The United States of America, commonly known as the United States (U.S.) or America, is a federal republic composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. US has the world’s most dominant economic and military power.
The country has marked a cultural imprint on the world with its diversity in music, food, television or tourism. The largest air force in the world is the U.S. Air Force. The world’s second-largest air force is the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps combined.
Statistically, the deadliest job in America is … president. Of the 45 men who’ve held the post, four have been assassinated in office— a rate of roughly 9 percent (or about one in ten) killed on the job. The country is famous as a home of many famous celebrities of hollywood across the world. Walt Disney World, central park, Grand Canyon, Empire State Building etc are the famous tourist spots in America.