A credit card is something that allows you to borrow money from the bank for your purchases, does not matter what you are buying. You obviously have to pay that money back in a specific “grace period” to the bank otherwise you will be subjected to pay interest on the top of what you borrowed. It is quite helpful when you want to opt for a large purchase and pay it off in smaller chunks. Using credit cards is currently the most beneficial, convenient and smarter way for making payments.
Choosing a right credit card is very important or else you can end up losing your chance of many convenient benefits.
Top 10 credit card Deals :-
This fuel credit card helps you save money on fuel and at the same time earn rewards on all your purchases.
Benefits of Indian Oil Citi Platinum Card:
- Avail annual fee waiver on spend of Rs.30,000 p.a.
- Earn 4 Turbo Points on every Rs.150 spent on purchase of fuel at IndianOil Outlets across
- India. Earn 4 points at selected partner stores as well.
- Fuel surcharge waiver at IndianOil outlets.
- Earn 2 Turbo Points on every Rs.150 spent at supermarket and grocery stores.
Use this card if you want to save money on telephone and fuel bills.
Benefits of Standard Chartered SuperValue Titanium Credit Card:
- Avail 5% (up to Rs.200 per month) cashback on fuel purchased at any petrol pump in India.
- Avail 1% fuel surcharge reversal at petrol pumps.
- Avail 5% cashback on telephone, electricity, water and gas bills paid using this card.
- Earn 1 Reward Point on every Rs.100 spent on other categories.
This credit card offered by HSBC bank is preferred by many people because of the endless rewards it offers. Cardholders can enjoy cashback, reward points, discounts and much more.
Benefits of SBC Visa Platinum Card
- During the initial 90 days, avail 10% cashback on all spends, provided at least 3 transactions are made and the minimum spend is Rs.10,000. Avail a maximum cashback of Rs.3,000.
- Earn 3x Rewards on hotel, dining and telecom spends for the initial 12 months.
- Earn 2 points on every Rs.150 spent using the card.
- Enjoy fuel surcharge waiver when you pay for fuel using the card.
This card allows you to earn while you spend. It offers cashback and other benefits on spends.
Benefits of Citi Cashback Card
- Make contactless payments of up to Rs.2,000. No PIN required. Simply tap the card at the contactless terminal to pay.
- Get 5% cashback on movie tickets and phone bill payments.
- Get 5% cashback on utility bill payments, if paid through Citibank Online Bill Pay.
- Get 0.5% cashback on all the other spends.
It comes with a great set of offers & rewards at No joining or annual fees. The biggest benefit is 20% cashback on Uber rides.
Benefits of Standard Chartered Platinum Rewards Card
- Make 5 points on spending 150 rupees on fine dining and fuel.
- 1000 additional rewards points if you transact within 60 days
- 500 bonus points for registering for online banking
- Special discount offers on BigBasket, BlueStone, FirstCry, Puma, Abof and UrbanClap.
The biggest benefit of owning a credit card is building your credit history and score. Your future loans would get approved easily if you have a strong CIBIL score.
Benefits of ICICI Instant Platinum Credit Card
- Discount of 100 rupees on up to 2 movie tickets per month at BookMyShow
- 15% savings on dining at over 800 restaurants
- Earn 2 PAYBACK Reward points on every 100 rupees spent (except fuel)
This credit card is one of the most popular premium card in India. It does not just offer reward points, but provides the best protection, golf benefits, travel benefits, lifestyle benefits, etc.
Benefits of HDFC Bank Diners Club Black Card
- Earn 2x reward points on domestic and international air ticket and hotel bookings.
- Redeem points for airmiles or to book air tickets or hotels.
- Enjoy access to over 25 airport lounges in India and over 650 airport lounges abroad.
- Enjoy 24x7 concierge service. Get the concierge to reserve golf course and dining or to deliver flowers and gifts or to rent cars. The concierge will also provide business related services, courier service and make hotel reservations
This credit card is the number 1 credit card in India for those who can pay the annual fees. The benefits are exceptionally great.
Benefits of Standard Chartered Manhattan Credit Car
- 1000 additional rewards points if you transact within 60 days
- 500 bonus points for registering for online banking
- 20% cashback on Uber rides
- 3x rewards when you use your credit card to pay for Hotels, Dining, Airline ticket reservation and Fuel
- Special discount offers on BigBasket, BlueStone, FirstCry, Puma, Abof and UrbanClap.
- 5% cash back on your grocery spends.
This premium credit card is ideal for people who wish to live a posh life. It offers multiple lifestyle and dining benefits to the cardholders.
Benefits of IndusInd Bank Platinum Card
- Avail Accor Plus Program membership. This membership will allow cardholders to enjoy up to 15% discount on drinks across Asia and up to 50% discount on dining across Asia Pacific. Apart from that, members can avail discount on hotel bookings, complimentary night stays and Silver Membership Status at Le Club Accor Hotels.
- Earn 1.5 Reward Points on every Rs.150 that you spend using the card.
- Avail discounts from various travel and shopping partners. For Example – Satya Paul, Jet Airways, Woodland, United Colours of Benetton, etc.
- Enjoy complimentary golf lessons and games at golf courses in India.
This card is loved by movie goers and shoppers. It offers some of the best dining, shopping and entertainment benefits in India. Cardholders can also earn reward points on their spends and make purchases on EMI.
Benefits of Axis Bank Neo Credit Card:
- Earn 2 eDGE Loyalty Rewards points on every Rs.200 spent using the card.
- Avail 10% cashback on mobile recharge, online shopping and movie tickets.
- Avail vouchers of Rs.200 from Bookmyshow.
- Easily convert transactions of Rs.2,500 and above into EMI.
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