20 Powerful Facebook Marketing Tips for 2020 [Survey Research]

Facebook Marketing Tips 2020

Fifteen years ago, when Facebook had just joined the social media platform, it literally made damn crazy to teens for making new links around the world. Even many of them had bought new cell phones just to download the access for chit-chat. From 4 February 2020 to till now, the development squad of the ‘tech giant’ has successfully brought it to over whooping 2.45 active monthly users in comparison to the third quarter of 2019. Based on the survey research we have found the tips mostly used by top digital marketers. 

If you are thinking that Facebook is famous for chatting, then it is wrong. Today It has become the biggest social network website for Facebook Marketing where businesses, freelancers, organizations & the companies can promote and sell their brand to world-wide customers. 

When it comes to marketing, there are various 20 powerful strategies for setting up a business on Facebook that works well and can help you to generate the high bucks. 

 A Complete Roadmap – Everything You Need To Know About Effective Facebook Marketing Tips/Strategies

1. Choose an accurate niche for Facebook business page

To create a business page on Facebook, you should select one option from the given categories. Remember always, the business page gives a crystal clear idea to users – What the brand is & What the services the company offers. 

Top categories to choose for business profile creation:

  • Company Organisation or Institution
  • Brand or Product
  • Local Business or Place
  • Artist, Band or Public Figure
  • Entertainment
  • Cause or Community

2. Get a customized web address

The customized Facebook web address is utterly important to make a brand visible in several places. For example – Most people get Vanity URL for an SEO perspective because it is the easily readable page link. It allows more searches on Google as well as Facebook.

3. Pick high-quality photos for optimization

One of the important things is to select the right logo, which depicts the brand description. For instance – it looks sarcastic to upload a chef logo on a shoe website yet doesn’t make a good sense in the business approach. Make sure the cover photos, snippet images, or logos are highly appeared on all social sites, including Facebook. 

4. Never miss the CTA button 

Whenever you enter on the Facebook page for business, there is a small CTA (Call-to-action) button that you can use for the website & rest all the landing pages. The main aim of choosing the CTA button is to enhance the click ratio by the number of active visitors. The CTA button is beneficial for boosting the email-links. One can choose the option to use the contact us, shop now, watch the video feature, etc. 

5. Get benefitted from customized Facebook tabs

On Facebook, sidebars tabs are useful for providing brand information in the form of videos, posts, and community pages. As we discussed earlier, the digital format is easily digestible and loved by everyone. Therefore, you can use custom sidebars located on the left side for distinct purposes. 

6. Create content in different formats 

The 70-20-10 rule said that only post 10% of self-promotion content on the website. Followed by 70% of the content should be original. For 20% of the time, you should post relevant material to maintain the followers’ list. Well, similar content makes readers monotonous & can lose their interest in your brand. There is an extensive range of ways to produce the content, either visually or link-based. 

7. Eliminate the link URL from the post

When it comes to retaining customer engagement on social media, there should be an urge to add high-quality photos, which are 10x more visible than plain text. Never forget to remove the copied URL from your image, though the plagiarism & copyright matter doesn’t last long. So, it would be better for you to take care of background images, headlines which let the users know regarding brand ownership. 

8. Promote user-generated content

The user-generated content brings customer trust and ensures high engagement while selecting the best brand. For example – E-commerce platforms like Shein, Limeroad, Amazon are well-known because they have their logos and the sense of style to upload photos, albums which helps individuals to judge the brand name without making assumptions. 

9. Publish live videos

There are around 100 million hours in which Facebook is used for watching the live video hacks. In Comparison to 2015, the per day facebook video viewing gets doubled with around 4-8 billion. You can discover the latest algorithms which may be changed by time-to-time. 

10. Monitor your metrics 

Writing content is not sufficient to leverage the customer bar. The next step is to use the Facebook page insights or internal analytics tool by Facebook. It gives you real-time information about page likes, post reach, unique engagement, including comments, post clicks, and shares. 

11. Know the optimal time to post

The Facebook insights data tells in which time your followers get online. Furthermore, the particular time in which users present on your top posts and how much engagement they show towards your published content. Once you have done with the information regarding the top pages of your website, you can follow the other tactics with the utmost ease. 

12. Analyze customer behavior

One of the great ways to analyze the core audience via analytics tools for audience insights that indicate how many users are live connected to your page. The demographic is perfect for scheduling the next topics according to the reader’s likes and dislikes. 

13. Use Facebook ads on the page 

Google AdWords is the high-priced relative to Facebook counterparts. The better option is to use affordable Facebook ads. Whether you write good quality content or have an organic search, still you can’t earn hefty money without Facebook paid ads. 

14. Know your audience

As per the Wordstream, one can target a maximum of 11 audiences, which may vary depending upon the segment-based hobbies, location-based interests. In this case, you can consider the Facebook Audience Insights to find endless solutions to boost and customer reach. 

15. Post page content on other social sites 

In a few places, people don’t use Facebook, which is a bad idea for you while targeting all across the country. Here, you can use plan B for post-promotion outside of Facebook such as Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & many more. 

16. Partnership with influencer marketing

The wide array of tools is specially formulated for the influencer search. It assists you to become a partner with someone who is already in these strategies. It is not compulsory to choose only facebook influencers, but also one can find the searchers on different platforms using specific keywords. 

17. Fill the complete info 

You should highlight the business bio on your page. You can even edit the complete page information likewise, contact number, privacy policy, operating hours, price range.

18. View your facebook setting 

In the era of technology, privacy is the main concern to hide your ideas and resources from the competitors. That’s why you should manage the Facebook setting before doing anything. 

19. Use poll post

It is one of the best Facebook marketing tips that can improve brand awareness by taking many good & bad polls. It gives a chance to visitors to debate over the given topic. 

20. Upload photos/videos on Facebook stories 

Facebook stories are very catchy nowadays that appear on the news feed for short-time, but can leave a high-impression to all your fans. 


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20 Powerful Facebook Marketing Tips for 2020 [Survey Research]

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