Beach Box Hotel & Cafe, Baga (8/10)

Beach Box Hotel & Cafe, Baga - Restaurants in Goa
Beach Box Hotel & Cafe, Baga - Restaurants in Goa

Nitin Dhiman

Baga beach is the home to many new restaurants in Goa being the hippest joint in the town. A really unique hotel with restaurant and pool all from shipping containers opened up in Goa, we had to check it out. The food is mostly Indian but with some Western grills like burgers. I loved my malai chicken tikka. I would say this is great for a group coming here that wants to party and likes trance, as they had a DJ when we were there on a Sunday night. It’s dark with red lighting, so it has that trance/psych vibe there. The rooms are cool – I’ve never seen a shipping container hotel before! They have A/C and are pretty cheap for Baga. This is located just by the bridge where you’d turn to go to Go With the Flow. Parking is on the road.

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